We need pockets of excellence
3 years agoon
The Post
I wrote the bulk of this opinion piece whilst on a visit to a tiny tourist town named Dullstroom in Mpumalanga. I was staying at a resort named Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate.
Look, Dullstroom is what Morija and Roma should’ve been had we had visionary leaders. Clarens doesn’t even come close to its beauty. No, I tell you when it comes to tourism, we are just farting in the wind. Ntate Tšola would’ve said, “We are pissing in the wind”.
You know, I really got disappointed on my recent trip to Afri-Ski over the past Easter weekend. It had been a couple of years since I had visited the ‘ski resort’ and was expecting to see the place oozing with new activities and new buildings.
Well, to my disappointment, it was more of the same. More like what Lesotho politicians are to the electorate. More of the same, if not worse.
No, Afri-Ski needs a proper capital injection. It needs new buildings, a variety of restaurants and accommodation. Not negating the much-needed pine-trees to beautify the place. It really makes one wonder what the people at LTDC are paid to do. Hmmm? What is their excuse since we live in a country of excuses? I guess it’s the budget.
In any case, let me not depress you with boring things and tell you about Mpumalanga. Wow! I tell you, the minute you cross into Witbank (eMalehleni) on the N4 highway, you just smell money.
I mean, you don’t have to ask whether people in Witbank have money or not. You see it. Unlike Maseru, once you arrive at the border post, you just smell poverty, desperation and hopelessness. It’s a fact.
But one thing that is evident in Mpumalanga is the business activity from all the coal mines and Eskom power plants. There’s just so much economic activity. It’s booming.
I went via a shopping mall named Highveld Mall in Witbank that is located along the N4 highway. Jesus! It is massive. About twice the size of Maseru Mall and it was packed. Good tenant mix, beautiful clothes and very good food. Look, if you want good clothes (suits, English blazers and shoes), Witbank is the place to go.
However, one thing that was a bit disappointing with Witbank was its Central Business District (CBD). It doesn’t have tall buildings and lacks fundamental characteristics of a modern city. Witbank is still a mining town at
heart. It reminds me of Kimberley, bar the tall buildings.
But having said that, it still beats Maseru ten-nil, when it comes to economic activity, variety of businesses (car dealerships) and shopping centres and the size of the town. I still don’t understand why Maseru Mall struggles up to this point. Is it a matter of lack of disposable income? Are Basotho that broke?
So, fast forward to the time I was sitting on the veranda in Mpumalanga and admiring the beauty of Dunkeld Country Estate. On my third glass of my red wine, a random thought crossed my mind.
This random thought said, “Actually, Mathibeli Mokhuthu has a valid point.” I still can’t tell whether it was the red wine talking or just plain common sense. In any case Mokhothu is on the money.
You know, when Mokhothu said he’s going to build highways in the sky, a similar thought once crossed my mind. But you see, the difference here is that Mokhothu was busy preaching about luxuries of a Lamborghini to a bunch of pedestrians. Some thoughts are better off untold because people will think you are high on ganja.
Mokhothu should have said, ‘we need a highway (expressway) that connects the Airport and the border post. We also need to extend the rail-way to the airport and have a new container-terminal near the Moshoeshoe One International Airport.’
The rest would be left to our imagination to fill in the blanks on how the expressway would look like but you first start by planting a seed.
My vision is of a highway fly-over that starts as you descend towards Thabong Circle. Because of the change in levels (gradient), this could be a perfect opportunity to have a fly-over, across Thabong Circle and all the way to Lithabaneng.
As you drive-down to Ha-Motšoeneng, on the Main South-One Road, towards the city, there is another change in gradient (slope) that could allow for a fly-over to land from Thabong. A similar plan can be activated as one descends towards Lakeside, along the main North-One Road.
But this brings me to the topic at hand. Mokhothu must have seen that Maseru lacks some characteristics of a modern city. A modern city is characterised by tall buildings and modern road networks. Have you seen how modern Nairobi and Cairo are at the moment?
But why is Maseru still called a capital city? Does it have any characteristics of a modern capital city? What defines a capital city?
This topic was inspired by a Nigerian television series I last saw on Netflix, named Blood Sisters. Yes, every now and then, I’m called in to watch Netflix and a channel named Moja-Love.
What fascinated me the most about this movie/series named Blood-Sisters is how Nigerian film producers are now following in the foot-steps of the American movie producers, to showcase city-landmarks such as tower buildings, highways and tower-bridges. One that really struck me was the Lekki-Ikoyi Bridge. A masterpiece!
From what I saw on TV, Lagos seems to be going somewhere and forward and upwards. I saw beautiful high-rise hotel buildings.
This reminded me of what one architect from Bloemfontein once told me. He said, “Lagos is not all perfect but it has pockets of excellence.” Meaning, they have parts that are ultra-nice.
This is what Sandton is for the city of Johannesburg. One place that is very clean, with beautiful buildings and a modern road network and Maseru should achieve this. Maseru just needs ‘one’ clean street. One!
A street where investors and tourists can visit just to be wowed by its beauty, to take their breath away. At the moment, there’s none of that. The Cathedral Circle precinct looks as dingy as hell. Grown men can be seen urinating on the fence of the Cathedral in broad day-light. What is that?
But Maseru has a chance to redeem itself and the strategy is not that complicated. All we need is to create pockets (precinct) that can be developed to perfection. What does this mean?
We need an area with a cluster of new buildings that will work hand-in hand to create a precinct (area). For example, we could start with the Cathedral Circle. Since this is where Maseru City started, this could be a starting point for creating a cluster of new buildings surrounding the Cathedral.
But one thing that needs to go urgently, within the Cathedral Circle precinct, is the hideous clutter of billboards. This is a clutter of super-sized billboards that are competing for space. No, this is not right but why is the MCC allowing this?
The Cathedral Circle precinct could also have a suspended fly-over bridge over the Cathedral Bridge from the Mpilo Boulevard linking the Main North-One Road (A1). Have you realised that the roads joining the Cathedral
Circle are not symmetrical to the Cathedral and the circle has five-legs, hence the constant traffic-jams?
On the other hand, there’s also an opportunity to revive, the Makoanyane Square precinct. There was already a step in the right direction with the development of Moposo House and the Post Office Building. The square could be completed with new buildings at Maseru Central Charge Office, British Council building (UNESCO) and Maseru Book Centre.
Another area that is desperate for re-development is the LNDC Centre precinct combined with Victoria Hotel. This can unlock a mega-development that can revive the city. But one thing that needs to happen is for the LNDC to let-go off the LNDC Centre. Why not sell it to the private sector? Why allow a prime asset to rot in your hands? Why?
In closing, I wish we could open our eyes as a country and see low-hanging opportunities right in front of our eyes. Some of the opportunities are not complicated but require courage and determination.
With great determination, a lot can be achieved. But one thing that we need to learn is that, no investor will inject capital in a capital city that looks dingy. What TY looks like, to be precise!
Investment likes certainty. Investment likes stability. Investment favours cleanliness. We need to try hard and harder to attract investment and this can only be achieved by boosting investor confidence. This is what Botswana and eSwatini have mastered.
King Mswati was criticised when he constructed the mega-highway connecting Mbabane to Manzini. The IMF warned him against the plan because it was not feasible. But he bulldozed and eSwatini now has a modern expressway that is admired by investors. This is what courage is all about.
When driving on the expressway, you won’t see even one shack or scrap-yard in Mbabane. Not even one mokh’ukh’u along the main highway to Manzini. Never! But hoba Maseru ke ha tali, ho tletse mekh’ukh’u (Maseru is full of uncontrollable people, it is full of shacks) in the Main Street of the capital city. Look at the mess in Roma, outside the National University of Lesotho.
Let’s sweep our streets and keep them clean. Even if it means sweeping them twice a day. We can’t be sitting on dirty streets and still expect investors to inject their hard earned money.
Let’s work hard to improve our public image and impress potential investors and tourists.
‘Mako Bohloa
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The year 2024 is behind us now. It was a year in which we were told Basotho were 200 years old as a nation. The facts tell us differently. If we follow them, Basotho nation was 204 years old in 2024. Also, if we follow the facts, Basotho nation was established in Botha Bothe, not Thaba Bosiu.
None of this may matter very much but it must be known. Botha Bothe has been denied its rightful place as a place where the Basotho nation was formed.
Like an older man who is fond of younger girls, or an older woman who is fond of younger boys, we reduced our age mainly in order to suit the significance that has been accorded Thaba Bosiu at the expense of Basotho’s other mountain fortresses — for example, Mount Moorosi and Botha Bothe Mountain.
They say history is written by the victors, and the powerful. Until our current social order changes, what the powerful consider to be the truth will remain as it was given to us in 2024 — that, as a nation we were 200 years old in 2024, and that the Basotho nation emerged at their one and only fortress, Thaba Bosiu.
This story had to remain this way because too much political and financial investment has gone into Thaba Bosiu, and we cannot afford to change stories about it.
This article is not about quibbling about how old we are as a nation, and where the Basotho nation was formed. Rather the article is about what we achieved in 2004 in our celebration of 200 years of our nationhood.
Out of lack of any interest, or out of lacking any ideas, our politicians kept mum about what they would like to see the nation achieve as part of our celebrations. So, justifiably, they can tell us to bugger off, if we ask them whether they have anything to show from the 2024 celebrations. We cannot bother them about what we achieved because they never made any promises.
In November, 2024, a friend was asked at a public seminar: What lessons have we learnt about Basotho pre-colonial political leadership during our 200th anniversary celebrations?
In response, he made one of the most brilliant statements that can be made about what happened in Lesotho during 2024. He said, in 2024 all we did was, on the one hand, to be nostalgic about the good old past where political leaders (i.e. chiefs) respected their followers, communities shared what they had, and, within communities, human security was guaranteed everyone.
On the other hand, we continued to treat one another the way we always do: we continued to employ socio-economic systems—and to practise policies—that are responsible for socio-economic inequality in Lesotho, where many families, including children, go to bed hungry every day.
One of the things we should have done to celebrate 2024 years of our existence as a nation was to re-consider our adoption of systems and policies that leave many Basotho poor and hungry.
For having done none of this, as a nation, we remain with serious problems that need to be stated repeatedly because it seems that those in power do not get to see them in reality.
Being given just the numbers of hungry families, and being told, with satisfaction, that they are falling, will always be meaningless when you meet a hungry woman with a child on her back, and holding another by the hand—as we do in our villages—asking for food, or money to buy food.
In official statistics, she may be a single case that does not change the fact that government is succeeding in the distribution of food aid. That is not the way she may see things.
To her, she and her children are not part of some percentage—20%, 10%, 15%, etc.—that government may not have reached. She and her children are 100%, and more. They are not 20% hungry; they are more than 100% hungry.
Neither did the killing, the rape and abuse of children and the elderly stop in 2024, nor did we take the celebration of our nationhood as an opportunity to think about how to stop all this.
We are a deeply unequal society with very unacceptable indicators of human security. Action to address the welfare of the most vulnerable sections of society—women, children, the elderly—remains terribly inadequate.
Their lot remains poverty, hunger and fear for their lives.
In our celebrations of 200 years of our nationhood, perhaps one of the things we should have done is to commit ourselves to the formulation of a socio-economic system that secures the welfare of the most vulnerable sections of society.
I closed last week by recording the dreadful news that trashy Trump had been elected called to mind WB Yeats’s poem “The Second Coming.” This is the poem whose opening lines gave Chinua Achebe the phrase “things fall apart.”
Yeats observes “Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
It was written in 1919 and controversially uses Christian imagery relating to the Apocalypse and the Second Coming to reflect on the atmosphere in Europe following the slaughter of the First World War and the devastating flu epidemic that followed this.
It also reflects on the Irish War of Independence against British rule.
In lines that I can now read as if applying to the recent American election, Yeats mourns: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.”
And then I can visualise Trump in the poem’s closing lines: “What rough beast is this, its hour come round at last, / Slouching towards Bethlehem to be born?”
Trump is certainly a rough beast and isn’t the choice of verb, slouching, just perfect? For a non-allegorical account of the threat posed by the Dump, I can’t do better than to quote (as I often do) that fine South African political journalist, Will Shoki. In his words: “Trump’s administration simply won’t care about Palestinians, about the DRC, about the Sudanese.
It will be indifferent to the plight of the downtrodden and the oppressed, who will be portrayed as weak and pathetic. And it will give carte blanche [that is, free rein] to despotism and tyranny everywhere.
Not even social media, that once revered third-space we associated with subversion and revolution in the first quarter of the 21st century can save us because Silicon Valley is in Trump’s back pocket.”
So what follows the triumph of the Dump? We can’t just sit down and moan and bemoan. In a more recent piece of hers than the one I quoted last week, Rebecca Solnit has observed: “Authoritarians like Trump love fear, defeatism, surrender. Do not give them what they want . . . We must lay up supplies of love, care, trust, community and resolve — so we may resist the storm.”
Katt Lissard tells me that on November 7th following the confirmation of the election result, in the daytime and well into the evening in Manhattan, New York, there was a large demonstration in support of the immigrants Trump despises.
And a recent piece by Natasha Lennard gives us courage in its title “The Answer to Trump’s Victory is Radical Action.”
So, my Basotho readers, how about the peaceful bearing of some placards in front of the US Embassy in Maseru? Because the Dump doesn’t like you guys and gals one little bit.
One last morsel. I had intended to end this piece with the above call to action, but can’t resist quoting the following comment from the New York Times of November 13th on Trump’s plans to appoint his ministers.
I’m not sure a satirical gibe was intended (the clue is in the repeated use of the word “defence”), but it made me guffaw nonetheless. “Trump will nominate Pete Hegseth, a Fox News host with no government experience, as his defence secretary. Hegseth has often defended Trump on TV.” You see, it’s all about the Dump.
- Chris Dunton is a former Professor of English and Dean of Humanities at the National University of Lesotho.
Recently, an audio recording featuring the distressed MP for Thaba-Bosiu Constituency, Joseph Malebaleba, circulated on social media. The MP appears to have spent a sleepless night, struggling with the situation in which he and his associates from the Revolution for Prosperity (RFP) party were denied a school feeding tender valued at M250 million per annum.
In 2022, Lesotho’s political landscape underwent a significant shift with the emergence of the RFP led by some of the country’s wealthiest individuals. Among them was Samuel Ntsokoane Matekane, arguably one of the richest people in Lesotho, who took the helm as the party’s leader and ultimately, the Prime Minister of Lesotho.
The RFP’s victory in the general election raised eyebrows, and their subsequent actions have sparked concerns about the motivations behind their involvement in politics.
In an interview with an American broadcasting network just after he won the elections, Matekane made a striking statement, proclaiming that he would run Lesotho exactly as he runs his business.
At first glance, many thought he was joking, but as time has shown, his words were far from an idle threat. In the business world, the primary goal is to maximize profits, and it appears that the RFP is adopting a similar approach to governance.
Behind the scenes, alarming developments have been unfolding. A communication from an RFP WhatsApp group revealed a disturbing request from the Minister of Communications, Nthati Moorosi, who asked if anyone in the group had a construction business and could inbox her.
This raises questions about the RFP’s focus on using government resources to benefit their own business interests.
The government has been embroiled in a series of scandals that have raised serious concerns about the ethical conduct of its officials. Recent reports have revealed shocking incidents of misuse of public funds and conflicts of interest among key government figures.
Over the past two years, the RFP has been accused of awarding government contracts to companies affiliated with their members, further solidifying concerns about their self-serving agenda. For instance, vehicles purchased for the police were allegedly sourced from suppliers connected to a Minister’s son and MP.
The MP for Peka, Mohopoli Monokoane, was found to have hijacked fertiliser intended to support impoverished farmers, diverting crucial resources away from those in need for personal gain.
Such actions not only betray the trust of the public but also have a direct impact on the livelihoods of vulnerable communities. Monokoane appeared before the courts of law this week.
While farmers voice their concerns regarding fertiliser shortages, it seems that Bishop Teboho Ramela of St. Paul African Apostolic Church, who is also a businessman, is allegedly involved in a corrupt deal concerning a M10 million fertilizer allocation, benefiting from connections with wealthy individuals in government.
The procurement of fertiliser appears to be mired in controversy; recall that the Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Thabo Mofosi, was also implicated in the M43 million tender.
The renovation of government buildings with elaborate lighting systems was contracted to a company owned by the son of an MP. The RFP’s enthusiasm for infrastructure development, specifically road construction and maintenance, is also tainted by self-interest, as they have companies capable of performing these tasks and supplying the necessary materials, such as asphalt.
Minister Moteane finds himself in a compromising situation regarding a lucrative M100 million airport tender that was awarded to his former company. Ministers have even gone so far as to award themselves ownership of diamond mines.
Meanwhile, the nation struggles with national identification and passport shortages, which according to my analysis the RFP seems hesitant to address until they can find a way to partner with an international company that will benefit their own interests.
The people of Lesotho are left wondering if their leaders are truly committed to serving the nation or simply lining their own pockets. As the RFP’s grip on power tightens, the consequences for Lesotho’s democracy and economy hang precariously in the balance.
It is imperative that citizens remain vigilant and demand transparency and accountability from their leaders, lest the nation slide further into an era of self-serving governance.
In conclusion, the RFP’s dominance has raised serious concerns about the motives behind their involvement in politics. The apparent prioritisation of personal profit over public welfare has sparked widespread disillusionment and mistrust among the population.
As Lesotho navigates this critical juncture, it is essential that its leaders are held accountable for their actions and that the nation’s best interests are placed above those of individuals.
Only through collective effort and a strong commitment to transparency and accountability can Lesotho ensure a brighter future for all its citizens.
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