You would think after being hit by a M855 million claim the government would summon all the legal minds in this country to find a way to extricate itself from this vice. By this time every lawyer should be camped at the Government Complex, adding their little knowledge to what should be the mother of all cases.
But, no! This is Lesotho.
Mr Softie is telling us he is investigating the matter as if this is something hidden in a grandmother’s skirts.
The arbitration and the cases have never been a secret.
The mess was not of his making but he should know.
They buck stops with him as the Prime Minister.
The government has also issued a timid statement talking about investigating the issue.
Mr Softie and his government were speaking to themselves.
They were investigating a public matter so they could inform the public.
By the time they threatened to investigate the matter the public was already aware that Tšolo was the one who signed the contract. They also know that Uncle Tom had winked while Tšolo was scribbling his signature on that contract.
The records of both the arbitration and the court cases are public so there is no point investigating.
Just drag Tšolo by the ears and order him to spill the beans. If he is reluctant, they can soften him up with a pint of beer and get him to slowly ease into his story as the liquor loosens his tongue.
Muckraker would also want to remind Mr Softie and his government to stop this mischief of telling Basotho to calm down when their assets are being impounded because of the government’s bungling.
We are talking about M1 billion here and they are telling us to drink some water and relax while they “investigate”. These are the same people who have been panicking at the mere mention of a government change.
They don’t sleep when one MP threatens to cross the floor but they are telling us to relax when we are about to lose M1 billion. They go berserk when they hear that one of their sheep has been stolen in the mountains.
The same people who have set the house on fire are telling us that all will be well. Helang lona, le se ke la nkena ka moseng!
Nka! Ichuuuuuuuuuuu!